Where the Wild Dreams Are & Caught Up in a Vicious Circle

The Gilbert Bayes Award 2022
curated by THORP STAVRI

Dora House, London
30 May - 8 July, 2023

The Art House, Wakefield
15 July - 12 Aug, 2023

supported by Eesti Kultuurkapital

Where the Wild Dreams Are and Caught Up in a Vicious Circle are inspired by a visit to Isla de Las Palomas, which literally means "the island of birds," located in Tarifa.
The island has a long history dating back to the 6th century BC. It has primarily served as a military base and, more recently, as a camp for asylum seekers crossing the Strait of Gibraltar from Africa.

In the absence of human activity, both local and migrating birds have taken refuge on the island, making it also their final resting place. Piles of bones with feathers, crystallized ponds of salt, fishing nets, and ropes are elements that evoke the ambiguity of the island's history.